Being Charged with a Sex Crime Requires Experienced Defense

By February 13, 2017 No Comments

Being accused of a sex crime, such as sexual assault, child molestation, lewd or lascivious conduct, indecent exposure, rape or statutory rape, prostitution, facilitating prostitution, and possession or distribution of illicit pornography, can have serious and long-lasting implications. Beyond the potential loss of freedom and fines, a conviction and sentence might also have long-term ramifications.

The severity of the charge and any past convictions will weigh heavily on potential sentencing should you be convicted. Here at Pawelek Law, PLLC, our lawyer, Dennis Pawelek, and his associates will work to reduce the initial charge. If you are later found guilty, this could reduce the weight of the charge from a felony to a misdemeanor. In some cases, this could reduce your potential requirement to register as a sex offender.

We will start by thoroughly investigating the case. This involves interviewing witnesses, other people associated with the arrest, and any law enforcement officers involved. When applicable, we will present character witnesses and any other pertinent information about your overall character. This could also have weight with any potential plea bargain.

Should the case go all the way to trial, we will mount an ardent defense. While some sex crimes come with mandatory sentences, if you are found guilty, we will strive to have you serve the minimum sentence possible.

If you live in the Provo, Utah, area and you’ve been accused of a sex crime, you should call 801-722-8918 to schedule a consultation with Pawelek Law.